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An outside Screw and yoke Gate valve and how is it different from a normal Gate valve?

The designation has to do with the location of the screw nut and the shaft screw threads.

In this style, the screw nut is supported by an A-frame type “yoke” outside of the enclosed body of the valve. Thrust faces of the nut and the yoke hold the nut in a fixed position as the shaft (or “stem”) rises of lowers without turning. The valve wheel is attached to this nut either directly or through gearing and as they both turn, the nut, acting on the external screw threads causes the shaft to rise or lower into the valve body pulling or pushing the valve disk to open or close the valve. There is a packing gland around the where the shaft enters the valve body.
You can look at a Gate Valve and tell if it is open or closed by the shaft position.
It is more difficult with a Globe valve because the shaft movement is short.
In a non-rising stem (NRS) gate or globe valve, the shaft screw nut is built into the INTERNAL valve disk or the valve plug.
The handle and shaft turns and the inner part of the valve opens and closes as the inside nut rides up and down internal shaft threads turning within the nut.
In both types, the valve packing also acts as a guide.
Both types are used extensively in all kinds of municipal and industrial water service.

Different Valve Types, Applications & Suitability

There are a large variety of valves and valve configurations to suit all services and conditions; different uses (on/off, control), different fluids (liquid, gas etc; combustible, toxic, corrosive etc) different materials and different pressure and temperature conditions. Valves are for starting or stopping flow, regulating or throttling flow, preventing back flow or relieving and regulating pressure in fluid or gaseous handling applications. Common valve types include: Ball,Butterfly,Check, Diaphragm, Gate, Globe, Knife Gate, Parallel Slide, Pinch, Piston, Plug, Sluice, etc.

The following types of valves are used in a variety of applications, these descriptions may provide a basic guideline in the selection of valves.


Because of their excellent operating characteristics, ball valves are used for the broadest spectrum of isolation applications and are available in a wide range of sizes and materials and are available in full fl ow and full through conduit. Advantages – quick acting, straight through fl ow in either direction, low pressure drop, bubble tight shut off & operating torque, easily actuated. Disadvantages – temperature limitiations on seating material, long “relative” face to face dimension.


The butterfly valve derives its name from the wing-like action of the disc which operates at right angles to the fl ow. It’s main advantage is a seating surface which is not critical. It is designed for fl ow isolation. The disc impinges against a resilient liner to provide bubble tightness with low operating torque. Compact and with a simple construction, butterfly valves facilitate easy pipe arrangement. Due to disc, they have slightly reduced fl ow characteristics. Advantages – quick acting, good regulating characteristics, compact & light, low pressure isolation. Butterfly valves are simple, reliable and range in size from 40mm to 1000mm and beyond. They can be controlled by a notched lever, handwheel as well as by pneumatic or electric actuator. A shaft turns a disc 90º within a pipe. The disc angle within the pipe can provide a restriction varying from drip-tight through to almost full fl ow (except very small sizes).


Sometimes referred to as a non-return valve, the check valve prevents back-flow in the piping by constantly keeping fluid flowing in one direction. Check valves operate automatically. Some piston/disc check valves are spring loaded for fast operation, (minimum cracking pressure should be specified). Vertical downwards flow requires a spring loaded check valve.

Swing Check Valves: – Swing & Wafer checks cease reverse flow with a flap that swings onto a seat. Use swing checks only for forward flow that is horizontal or vertical upward.

Piston Check Valves: – Piston & Spring checks cease reverse flow with a spring loaded plunger.

Ball Check Valves:– Ball checks have a ball that slides into a hole as forward flow slows. Consider a ball check for semi-solids such as pulp or effluent.

Titlting Disc Check Valves: – Tilting Disc check valves are similar to Swing check valves but in most installations, slamming is minimised upon reversal of fl ow so noise and vibration are reduced.

Globe Valves

Globe/Stop Valves: – The flow path through globe valves follows a changing course, thereby causing increased resistance to flow and considerable pressure drop. Because of the seating arrangements, globe valves are the most suitable for throttling flow, however, avoid extremely close throttling when the repeatable pressure drop exceeds 20%. Close throttling creates excess noise, vibration and possible damage to valves and piping.  for special service valve solutions. The valve is named after is globular body.

Compared to gate valves, globe valves are designed to open and close more quickly. Their flow characteristics can be changed by re-configuring their discs. Advantages – best shut off (not drip tight above 50NB) & regulating. Disadvantages – high pressure drop (head loss), unidirectional.

Stop Check Valves (SDNR): – Stop check valves are essentially the same as Globe valves, except there is no mechanical connection between the stem and the disc. They provide a combination Stop valve and a Piston check valve in one valve. However, they are not designed for throttling. They are used in steam boiler outlet piping when two or more boilers are connected to a common header. Valves must be installed with pressure under the disc, and when the stem is raised, only boiler pressure can raise the disc whenever boiler pressure exceeds header pressure. They prevent backflow from the header to boiler.

Gate Valves

Wedge Gate Valves: – Commonly used in industrial piping for stop or isolating – to turn on and shut off the flow as opposed to regulating flow.

Gate valves are named after the gate-like disc which operates at a right angle to the path of the flow.

Gate valves are general service valves that can be made in a broad spectrum of sizes using a variety of different materials.

Wedge gate valves are metal seated but are also available with resilient seat insert if drip tight shut off is required. They can meet the demands of a wide range of pressure and temperature conditions and is available in full port.

Advantages – low pressure drop, straight through flow either direction. Disadvantages – slow acting, bulky. Not drip tight shut off (over 150NB). Do not partially open as this will cause damage to the seat/disc.

Knife Gate Valves: – Useful for many applications in larger-sized pipework (50mm up). Unlike traditional gate valves, they are able to throttle (at lower pressures) depending on line media and degree of opening. Metal seated knife gate valves are not leak tight shut off. Some knife gate valves have a resilient seat in order to ensure they close drip-tight. Available in v-port, o-port and lined they are ideally suited for the control of effluent, slurries, waste products, semi solids, pulp, bulk powders. Most knife gate valves are designed for single flow direction.

Parallel Slide Gate Valves: – Popular in steam applications as the energised disc design handles thermal expansion without sticking like wedge gate valves. Another advantage is lower torque then wedge gate valves especially in venturi (Ferranti) reduced bore configuration. Parallel slide valves consist of two parallel gates that are energised against the seat at all times by springs or a wedging spreader bar between the two gates. No mechanical stress is exerted between the discs, and the valve is not subjected to dangerous strains in opening and closing.

This design of valve maintains fluid-tightness without the aid of wedging action. These valves are used for saturated and super heated steam.

Pipeline Slab Gate Valves: – Available in parallel solid slab and expanding 2 piece wedging slab. Both styles protect the seat area from the flow in all operating positions. These valves have a full through conduit configuration with a hole in the slab. Slab style gate valves have seats that are spring energised. The expanding slab features two opposed sliding v-shape segments that maintain pressure against the seats. These valves are for API6D pipeline applications but are also used for API6A wellhead valves. All these valves are made in metal to metal and soft seat configuration.

OS&Y gate Valve

Plug Valves

Plug valves are valves with cylindrical or conically-tapered “plugs” that can be rotated inside the valve body to control flow through the valve. The plugs in plug valves have one or more hollow passageways going sideways through the plug, so that fluid can flow through the plug when the valve is open. Plug valves are simple and often economical.  

Butterfly Valve –

Wafer Type Butterfly Valve With PINS




NO. Part Name °C Material Optional Material °C
1 Body DI CI, WCB, Stainless Steel
2 Down Bearing F4 Bronze
4 Disc Plated Ductile Iron ASTM A351 CF8/CF8M, B148 C954/C958
5 Shaft ASTM A276 416 304, 316, 17-4PH
6 Middle Bearing F4 Bronze
7 Upper Bearing F4 Bronze
9 Pin ASTM A276 416 316, 17-4PH, Monel

Dimensions data(mm)

DN A B C H ΦE ΦF N-ΦK Φd G EN1092-2 PN10 EN1092-2 PN16 ANSI CLASS 125
ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M
DN40 120 (140) 75 33 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 98.5 4-Φ16 4-1/2″
DN50 124 (161) 80 43 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 120.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN65 134 (175) 89 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 139.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN80 141 (181) 95 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 152.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN100 156 (200) 114 52 32 90 70 4-Φ10 15.8 11.1 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 190.5 8-Φ19 8-5/8″
DN125 168 (213) 127 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 216 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN150 184 (226) 140 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 241.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN200 213 (260) 175 60 45 125 102 4-Φ12 22.1 15.9 295 8-Φ23 8-M20 295 12-Φ23 12-M20 298.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN250 244 (292) 220 68 45 125 102 4-Φ12 28.45 22 350 12-Φ23 12-M20 355 12-Φ28 12-M24 362 12-Φ25 12-7/8″
DN300 283 (337) 255 78 45 150 125 4-Φ14 31.6 24 400 12-Φ23 12-M20 410 12-Φ28 12-M24 432 12-Φ25 12-7/8″
DN350 368 267 78 45 150 125 4-Φ14 31.6 24 460 16-Φ23 16-M20 470 16-Φ28 16-M24 476 12-Φ29 12-1″
DN400 400 323 102 50 150 125 4-Φ14 33.15 27 515 16-Φ28 16-M24 525 16-Φ31 16-M27 539.5 16-Φ29 16-1″
DN450 422 342 114 50 210 140 4-Φ18 37.95 27 565 20-Φ28 20-M24 585 20-Φ31 20-M27 578 16-Φ32 16-1 1/8″
DN500 479 373 127 60 210 140 4-Φ18 41.12 32 620 20-Φ28 20-M24 650 20-Φ34 20-M31 635 20-Φ32 20-1 1/8″
DN600 562 467 154 70 210 165 4-Φ22 50.62 36 725 20-Φ31 20-M27 770 20-Φ37 20-M33 749.5 20-Φ35 20-1 1/4″
DN700 624 524 165 72 300 254 8-Φ18 63.35 KEY 2-18 840 24-Φ31 24-M27 840 24-Φ37 24-M33 863.6 28-Φ35 28-1 1/4″
DN800 652 589 190 100 300 254 8-Φ18 63.35 KEY 2-18 950    24-Φ34 20-M30 950 24-Φ41 20-M36 977.9 28-Φ41 28-1 1/2″

LUG Type Butterfly Valve With PINS




NO. Part Name °C Material Optional Material °C
1 Body DI CI, WCB, Stainless Steel
2 Down Bearing F4 Bronze
4 Disc Plated Ductile Iron ASTM A351 CF8/CF8M, B148 C954/C958
5 Shaft ASTM A276 416 304, 316, 17-4PH
6 Middle Bearing F4 Bronze
7 Upper Bearing F4 Bronze
9 Pin ASTM A276 416 316, 17-4PH, Monel

Dimensions data(mm)

DN A B C H ΦE ΦF N-ΦK Φd G EN1092-2 PN10 EN1092-2 PN16 ANSI CLASS 125
ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M
DN40 120 (140) 75 33 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 98.5 4-Φ16 4-1/2″
DN50 124 (161) 80 43 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 120.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN65 134 (175) 89 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 139.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN80 141 (181) 95 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 152.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN100 156 (200) 114 52 32 90 70 4-Φ10 15.8 11.1 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 190.5 8-Φ19 8-5/8″
DN125 168 (213) 127 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 216 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN150 184 (226) 140 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 241.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN200 213 (260) 175 60 45 125 102 4-Φ12 22.1 15.9 295 8-Φ23 8-M20 295 12-Φ23 12-M20 298.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN250 244 (292) 220 68 45 125 102 4-Φ12 28.45 22 350 12-Φ23 12-M20 355 12-Φ28 12-M24 362 12-Φ25 12-7/8″
DN300 283 (337) 255 78 45 150 125 4-Φ14 31.6 24 400 12-Φ23 12-M20 410 12-Φ28 12-M24 432 12-Φ25 12-7/8″
DN350 368 267 78 45 150 125 4-Φ14 31.6 24 460 16-Φ23 16-M20 470 16-Φ28 16-M24 476 12-Φ29 12-1″
DN400 400 323 102 50 150 125 4-Φ14 33.15 27 515 16-Φ28 16-M24 525 16-Φ31 16-M27 539.5 16-Φ29 16-1″
DN450 422 342 114 50 210 140 4-Φ18 37.95 27 565 20-Φ28 20-M24 585 20-Φ31 20-M27 578 16-Φ32 16-1 1/8″
DN500 479 373 127 60 210 140 4-Φ18 41.12 32 620 20-Φ28 20-M24 650 20-Φ34 20-M31 635 20-Φ32 20-1 1/8″
DN600 562 467 154 70 210 165 4-Φ22 50.62 36 725 20-Φ31 20-M27 770 20-Φ37 20-M33 749.5 20-Φ35 20-1 1/4″
DN700 624 524 165 72 300 254 8-Φ18 63.35 KEY 2-18 840 24-Φ31 24-M27 840 24-Φ37 24-M33 863.6 28-Φ35 28-1 1/4″
DN800 652 589 190 100 300 254 8-Φ18 63.35 KEY 2-18 950 24-Φ34 20-M30 950 24-Φ41 20-M36 977.9 28-Φ41 28-1 1/2″

Wafer Type Spling Butterfly Valve




NO. Part Name °C Material Optional Material °C
1 Body DI CI, WCB, Stainless Steel
2 Down Bearing F4 Bronze
4 Disc Plated Ductile Iron ASTM A351 CF8/CF8M, B148 C954/C958
5 Shaft ASTM A276 416 316, 17-4PH
6 Middle Bearing F4 Bronze
7 Upper Bearing F4 Bronze

Dimensions data(mm)

DN A B C H ΦE ΦF N-ΦK Φd G EN1092-2 PN10 EN1092-2 PN16 ANSI CLASS 125
ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M
DN40 120 (140) 75 33 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 98.5 4-Φ16 4-1/2″
DN50 124 (161) 80 43 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 120.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN65 134 (175) 89 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 139.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN80 141 (181) 95 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 152.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN100 156 (200) 114 52 32 90 70 4-Φ10 15.8 11.1 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 190.5 8-Φ19 8-5/8″
DN125 168 (213) 127 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 216 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN150 184 (226) 140 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 241.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN200 213 (260) 175 60 45 125 102 4-Φ12 22.1 15.9 295 8-Φ23 8-M20 295 12-Φ23 12-M20 298.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN250 244 (292) 220 68 45 125 102 4-Φ12 28.45 22 350 12-Φ23 12-M20 355 12-Φ28 12-M24 362 12-Φ25 12-7/8″
DN300 283 (337) 255 78 45 150 125 4-Φ14 31.6 24 400 12-Φ23 12-M20 410 12-Φ28 12-M24 432 12-Φ25 12-7/8″
DN350 368 267 78 45 150 125 4-Φ14 31.6 24 460 16-Φ23 16-M20 470 16-Φ28 16-M24 476 12-Φ29 12-1″
DN400 400 323 102 50 150 125 4-Φ14 33.15 27 515 16-Φ28 16-M24 525 16-Φ31 16-M27 539.5 16-Φ29 16-1″
DN450 422 342 114 50 210 140 4-Φ18 37.95 27 565 20-Φ28 20-M24 585 20-Φ31 20-M27 578 16-Φ32 16-1 1/8″
DN500 479 373 127 60 210 140 4-Φ18 41.12 32 620 20-Φ28 20-M24 650 20-Φ34 20-M31 635 20-Φ32 20-1 1/8″
DN600 562 467 154 70 210 165 4-Φ22 50.62 36 725 20-Φ31 20-M27 770 20-Φ37 20-M33 749.5 20-Φ35 20-1 1/4″

LUG Type Spring Shaft Butterfly Valve




NO. Part Name °C Material Optional Material °C
1 Body DI CI, WCB, Stainless Steel
2 Down Bearing F4 Bronze
4 Disc Plated Ductile Iron ASTM A351 CF8/CF8M, B148 C954/C958
5 Shaft ASTM A276 416 316, 17-4PH
6 Middle Bearing F4 Bronze
7 Upper Bearing F4 Bronze

Dimensions data(mm)

DN A B C H ΦE ΦF N-ΦK Φd G EN1092-2 PN10 EN1092-2 PN16 ANSI CLASS 125
ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M
DN40 120 (140) 75 33 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 98.5 4-Φ16 4-1/2″
DN50 124 (161) 80 43 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 120.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN65 134 (175) 89 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 139.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN80 141 (181) 95 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 152.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN100 156 (200) 114 52 32 90 70 4-Φ10 15.8 11.1 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 190.5 8-Φ19 8-5/8″
DN125 168 (213) 127 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 216 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN150 184 (226) 140 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 241.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN200 213 (260) 175 60 45 125 102 4-Φ12 22.1 15.9 295 8-Φ23 8-M20 295 12-Φ23 12-M20 298.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN250 244 (292) 220 68 45 125 102 4-Φ12 28.45 22 350 12-Φ23 12-M20 355 12-Φ28 12-M24 362 12-Φ25 12-7/8″
DN300 283 (337) 255 78 45 150 125 4-Φ14 31.6 24 400 12-Φ23 12-M20 410 12-Φ28 12-M24 432 12-Φ25 12-7/8″
DN350 368 267 78 45 150 125 4-Φ14 31.6 24 460 16-Φ23 16-M20 470 16-Φ28 16-M24 476 12-Φ29 12-1″
DN400 400 323 102 50 150 125 4-Φ14 33.15 27 515 16-Φ28 16-M24 525 16-Φ31 16-M27 539.5 16-Φ29 16-1″
DN450 422 342 114 50 210 140 4-Φ18 37.95 27 565 20-Φ28 20-M24 585 20-Φ31 20-M27 578 16-Φ32 16-1 1/8″
DN500 479 373 127 60 210 140 4-Φ18 41.12 32 620 20-Φ28 20-M24 650 20-Φ34 20-M31 635 20-Φ32 20-1 1/8″
DN600 562 467 154 70 210 165 4-Φ22 50.62 36 725 20-Φ31 20-M27 770 20-Φ37 20-M33 749.5 20-Φ35 20-1 1/4″

Double Shaft Butterfly Valve




NO. Part Name °C Material Optional Material °C
1 Body DI CI, WCB, Stainless Steel
2 Down Bearing F4 Bronze
4 Disc Plated Ductile Iron ASTM A351 CF8/CF8M, B148 C954/C958
5 Upper Shaft ASTM A276 416 304, 316, 17-4PH
6 Middle Bearing F4 Bronze
8 Upper Bearing F4 Bronze
9 Down Shaft ASTM A276 416 304, 316, 17-4PH
10 Retaining Pin ASTM A276 416 316

Dimensions data(mm)

DN A B C H ΦE ΦF N-ΦK Φd G EN1092-2 PN10 EN1092-2 PN16 ANSI CLASS 125
ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M ΦD n-Φd1 n-M
DN40 120 (140) 75 33 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 110 4-Φ19 4-M16 98.5 4-Φ16 4-1/2″
DN50 124 (161) 80 43 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 125 4-Φ19 4-M16 120.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN65 134 (175) 89 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 145 4-Φ19 4-M16 139.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN80 141 (181) 95 46 32 90 50 4-Φ7 12.6 9.5 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 160 8-Φ19 8-M16 152.5 4-Φ19 4-5/8″
DN100 156 (200) 114 52 32 90 70 4-Φ10 15.8 11.1 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 180 8-Φ19 8-M16 190.5 8-Φ19 8-5/8″
DN125 168 (213) 127 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 210 8-Φ19 8-M16 216 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN150 184 (226) 140 56 32 90 70 4-Φ10 18.92 12.7 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 240 8-Φ23 8-M20 241.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN200 213 (260) 175 60 45 125 102 4-Φ12 22.1 15.9 295 8-Φ23 8-M20 295 12-Φ23 12-M20 298.5 8-Φ22 8-3/4″
DN250 244 (292) 220 68 45 125 102 4-Φ12 28.45 22 350 12-Φ23 12-M20 355 12-Φ28 12-M24 362 12-Φ25 12-7/8″
DN300 283 (337) 255 78 45 150 125 4-Φ14 31.6 24 400 12-Φ23 12-M20 410 12-Φ28 12-M24 432 12-Φ25 12-7/8″

Cast Iron Air Cushion Swing Check Valve


No. Part Name Material
1 BODY EN-GJL-250/EN-GJS-500-7
3 DISC EN-GJL-250/EN-GJS-500-7
6 HINGE ASTM A536 65-45-12
7 STEM ASTM A276 410
8 BONNET EN-GJL-250/EN-GJS-500-7

Dimensions data(mm)

DN 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600
L 495 622 699 787 914 965 1016 1219
D CI 340 405 460 520 580 640 715 840
DI 400 455
D1 295 355 410 470 525 585 650 770
D2 266 319 370 429 480 548 609 720
b CI 30 32 32 36 38 40 42 48
DI 20 22 24.5 26.5 28 30 31.5 36
n-d 12-23 12-28 12-28 16-28 16-31 20-31 20-34 20-37
f 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5
H 332 383 425 450 512 702 755 856


Check Valve Dual Plate Wafer Type

1 Face to face conforms to ISO5752 Series 16
Face to face conforms to ANSI125/150
2 Flange conforms to DIN, BS, ANSI standard
3 Nominal Pressure PN10/16/ ANSI 125/150
4 Lever operated: DN40-DN600
Material List  
1 Body Cast Iron
Ductile Iron
Stainless Steel ( CF8, CF8M)
2 Disc Ductile Iron(nickel plated)
Stainless Steel ( CF8, CF8M)
3 Seat EPDM, NBR, PTFE, Neoprene, Viton
Stainless steel
4 Stem Stainless Steel (304/316/410)
5 Spring Stainless Steel(304/316/410)

Y Strainer

1 Face to face conforms to DIN3202 F1
Face to face conforms to ANSI125/150
Face to face conforms to BS2080
2 Flanges drilled conforms to DIN2532/2533
Flanges drilled conforms to B16.1/B16.5
Flanges drilled conforms to BS4504
3 Nominal Pressure PN10/16
Nominal Pressure 125PSI/15OPSI
Nominal Pressure PN10/16
4 Nominal Diameter DN40-DN600
Material List  
1 Body Cast Iron or Ductile Iron
2 Plug Cast Iron or Ductile Iron
3 Cover Cast Iron or Ductile Iron
4 Screen Stainless Steel
5 Bolt Caron Steel

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