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Hydraulic Mining Hoses

Hydraulic Mining Hoses

Australian Mining offer specialised high-pressure water delivery hoses from the pumps to the water cannons

Hydraulic mining uses high-pressure water that is ejected from water cannons to break up compacted residue from old tailing especially to free up capacity in tailing dams and to allow the free flow of the slurry to be collected and reprocessed

Water cannons

  1. Using staged pumps, water cannons shoot a high volume of water at high pressure to break down mainly old tailings that can retain a very high percentage of un reclaimed minerals
  2. Some water cannons are manually operated and have an extensive and varied range of uses that include firefighting, washdowns and dust suppression
  3. High-pressure water delivered through these cannons can be a safety issue that requires a safe operating procedure and area procedure use documentation

Hydraulic mine hoses by Australian Mining Product and Services have ends that are either crimped or swaged depending on the use

Critical to the retaining of the ends to these high pressure hydraulic mining hoses is how the hose tail and ferrule ( sleeve) are attached to the ends.

The ends that fit to a valve, water cannon or another hose use adaptors with an appropriate mating end ( these ends are in all probability flanged to a very specific configuration) the fittings can be dependent on the usage of crimped or swaged


Use a specific machine or a hand tool that fuses through the use of pressure, two surfaces with force and is used where the weight of the resultant product will not affect its operation, e.g electrical


Swaging is done in a machine called a swager that cold forms the outer ferrule or sleeve metal around the hose tail that is inserted into the hose, that is pressed in a die

Swaging is used to create wire rope because after fittings are applied the swaged cable can lift and hold thousands of pounds.

Swaging Vs. Crimping

Crimping can be done with a hand held unit where the ability of the separation of two surfaces are a concern

Our fittings are usually swaged as the ability to dislodge the ends ais a high probability as the reliability and safety are critical to the operation and personnel in the vicinity

Swaging will compress the outer surface to encapsulate the hose ends between the inner steel insert and the outer sleeve

Swaging and crimping will both add a sleeve around the hose but with a swaged end the sleeve and the inner inserts is compressed around the hose end to alter and secure the shape to withstand high pressures

We manufacture and supply sites around Australia

Contact us today for a free quote for your project.

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