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Magnetic Wear Patch

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Magnetic Wear Patch - Wear Patch & Liners with Magnetic fixing

Magnetic wear patch and customised wear liners with ceramic or CCO  face with Magnetic back have averted major environmental and financial critical disasters.

Magnetic wear patches and customised wear liners with ceramic or CCO  face with Magnetic back avert unscheduled shutdowns, that result in many hours of loss production.

Ceramic or CCO-faced magnetic wear liners are custom manufactured to your application requirements and available in thicknesses and sizes to complement the application

High Heat Tolerances

Magnetic Wear Patch and  Liners reduce costly unscheduled downtime and maintenance frequencies to increase plant availability and profitability.

We request that you return to us, all used patches and liners, for safe disposal that meets environmental best practices.

Much is being said about Magnetic wear liners, every site needs to conduct its safety overview as well as evaluate how the site complies with WorkCover and safety issues

Australian Mining Products and Services – design, manufacture, and supply ceramic-faced magnetic-backed liners.

Manufacturing has been tried and tested for many years now and our manufacturing supply plant has been making and improving these liners for  many years now

Our magnetic-backed ceramic-faced liners ensure that there is a balance in holding strength and application safety. When manually placing magnetic-backed ceramic-faced linings, a high holding strength is a serious health problem.

They are dangerous.

Not just due to the ability to snap into place and sever fingers and limbs (huge pinch point issues) but also due to magnetic field generation, interference with electrical/control signals, and more importantly a health hazard for anyone nearby with a pacemaker or a bio electrically assisted personal health component (bionic ear, etc).

Our holding strength design is more than ample for the application requirements and does not create the health issues of stronger magnetic fields, (although the health risks are still there – they are not as significant for higher strength magnets)

Many liner installations are not suitable for traditional fastening systems and are good candidates for our magnetic mounting technology.

Magnetic Mounting

Our engineering team calculates the required pull force needed based on the liner size and the specific application. The powerful magnets are permanently bonded and encapsulated into the liners along with an internal design that directs the magnetic force to the mounting side of the liner. This maximises the holding force to prevent unwanted removal of the liners after installation.

We have several standard liner sizes for common applications, but we can custom-build any wear protection systems that solve specific problems. We start with the application in mind. Our liners contain abrasion.

In addition, we use different ceramic chemistries and a wide variety of shapes like custom-cut tiles, cubes, bricks, balls, or cylinders to create the right product for the application.

(Below) Launder Liner with Rubber-Ceramic held in place with internal magnets – no holes or hardware needed.

Magnetic Liner Advantages:

We manufacture and supply sites around Australia

Contact us today for a free quote for your project.

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